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Felix-Klein-Kolloquium | Vortrag »Frankl’s conjecture«
20. Mai 2014, 17:15 - 18:30
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Frankl’s conjecture (1979) says that in a finite family of sets, closed under union, there is an element contained in at least half of the sets. Although simple-sounding, the conjecture is considered as one of the tough problems in combinatorics. In this talk I will sketch the history of the conjecture and the most successful approaches so far. Joint work with Henning Bruhn, Pierre Charbit, and Jan-Arne Telle.
Referent: PhD. Oliver Schaudt, Universität zu Köln
Zuvor gibt es ab 16:45 Uhr die Gelegenheit, die Sprecherin oder den Sprecher beim Kolloquiumstee in Gebäude 48, Raum 538 zu treffen.